
The nature of organized religion has long been a profound mystery to me. Each tradition professes its own truths, often in stark contrast to others, and history reveals a tragic tendency for conflict and violence over these differences. It is said that numerous ancient faiths-some count as many as fifteen-contain stories of figures bearing striking parallels to the life and teachings of Jesus. Such reflections invite deeper contemplation on the shared spiritual longings of humanity and the universal archetypes that seem to echo across cultures and eras.

God the all mighty

There is but one Creator, the Author of the heavens, the earth, the trees, and all that exists in the universe. In His boundless love, He sent His only Son to dwell among us, to sacrifice Himself for our sins, and to redeem us through His grace. Our sacred duty is to acknowledge Him as our Savior, and I humbly proclaim His name.

Yet, throughout history, man has corrupted the purity of faith with man-made rules and doctrines, even waging wars to impose the claim that their religion alone is true. Such acts are far from the will of our Creator, who calls us to love and truth.

We do not require intermediaries or permission to approach the One who made us. Each of us, through faith and prayer, has direct access to the Creator of all. His Spirit resides within us, ever present and ever willing to listen, guide, and redeem.

The religion of the Tree

I hold an unwavering belief in the sacredness of the tree. A marvel of divine design, it absorbs carbon dioxide and breathes out life-giving oxygen, sustaining all of creation. Without this delicate exchange, humanity could not endure. The same God who shaped the tree in my backyard is the very God who fashioned the forests of Iran, the groves of China, and every leaf and branch across the earth. There is but one Creator, the eternal and boundless source of all life, connecting us through the wonders of nature.